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Introducing IFSCC Research Awards

Shiseido has been awarded with the highest number of awards in the world.

The IFSCC is the world‘s largest prestigious research conference for cosmetics technology.
Shiseido has been awarded a total of 31 awards at IFSCC Congresses and Conferences between 1976 and 2023. This overwhelming number of awards is an indication of Shiseido’s unrivalled level of technology.


Introducing IFSCC Research Awards

The International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC) is an international organization of cosmetic engineer associations founded in 1959. With headquarters in New York, 81 countries and regions and more than 16,000 members are part of the IFSCC (as of October 2022). Japan formally joined the IFSCC in 1962. The IFSCC supports activities for the improvement of cosmetic technology and for the development of safe and beneficial cosmetic products. In particular, the IFSCC congresses and conferences are major events where cosmetic engineers gather from all around the world and present the results of their recent research. Presentations include podium and poster presentation, with award given to the top presentations in each category.

Awards History and Details of Research

2023 Barcelona Congress

Conference Award (Podium Presentation, Basic Research Award)
New discovery that humans communicate their emotions to others through body odor, which opens up new possibilities for fragrance

Conference Award (Podium Presentation, Applied Research Award)
Development of an innovative sunscreen formulation that provides a high SPF without leaving a white cast

2021 Cancun Conference

Conference Award (Podium Presentation)

2020 Yokohama Congress

Conference Award (Podium Presentation, Basic Research Award)

2019 Milan Conference

Conference Award (Podium Presentation)
Skin capillaries closely linked with skin elasticity!?

2018 Munich Congress

Congress Award (Podium Presentation, Basic Research Award)
The first in history again! Shiseido’s research on sagging skin wins the Congress Award for the third consecutive year.

2017 Seoul Conference

Conference Award (Podium Presentation)

Any easy way to protect the skin from pollen and PM2.5?

2016 29th Congress, Orlando

Congress Award (Poster Award)
The first research in history to win awards in two consecutive Congresses!

2014 28th Congress, Paris

Congress Award (Poster Award)
What happens if we thoroughly analyze human facial skin?

2013 Rio de Janeiro Conference

Conference Award (Podium Presentation)
Dryness may sound simple, but differs that much by facial parts!

Conference Award (Poster Award)
Finding one ruins your day...

2012 27th Congress, Johannesburg

Congress Award (Podium Presentation, Basic Research Award)
We have heard about it before, but...

2011 Bangkok Conference

Conference Award (Podium Presentation)
Good news for a quick fix to fine dry wrinkles around the eyes!

2010 26th Congress, Buenos Aires

Congress Award (Podium Presentation, Basic Research Award)
Why does skin get rough even with everyday moisture care?

Congress Award (Podium Presentation, Applied Research Award)
Long wait for women is over...

Congress Award (Poster Award)
Defy the common belief that oil drips!

2008 25th Congress, Barcelona

Congress Award (Podium Presentation, Applied Research Award)
Your wish has finally come true!

2006 24th Congress, Osaka

Congress Award (Podium Presentation, Basic Research Award)
What are the causes that accelerate skin roughness and aging? Finally, an answer to a 50-year-old question!

Congress Award (Poster Award)
Something needs to be done about open and visible pores!

2005 Florence Conference

Conference Award (Podium Presentation)
Perseverance with skin care used to be the key, yet...

2002 22nd Congress, Edinburgh

Congress Award (Podium Presentation)
Everybody has experienced rough skin at some time.

2000 21st Congress, Berlin

Congress Award (Podium Presentation)
Hit the aging signs of pigmentation, wrinkles, and sagging early!

Congress Award (Poster Award)
Nail enamel takes so long to dry...

1992 17th Congress, Yokohama

Congress Award
Visible to others, dandruff is a serious concern...

Honorable Mention
The phrase “white tinge” originated from this research!

1990 16th Congress, New York

Congress Award
Shortage of moisture is the cause for the chipping and cracking of nails.

1988 15th Congress, London

Congress Award
How to cope with unpleasant body odor...

1986 14th Congress, Barcelona

Congress Award
There are slight differences in eye shadow color for individuals?!

1984 13th Congress, Buenos Aires

Honorable Mention
What type is the skin with high sebum but prone to dryness?

1980 11th Congress, Venice

Honorable Mention
What is the paraben in cosmetic products?

1976 9th Congress, Boston

Congress Award
The first award-winning technology is still used today!